3 min
Client Case - Remote Testing
by René Ceelen,
on April 3, 2020
The project
Vesteda is a Dutch housing investor that primarily focuses on the mid-rental segment. Vesteda invests funds from institutional investors, including pension funds and insurers. As of June 30th 2019, Vesteda had invested a total of €7.9 billion in Dutch residential property. The rental portfolio consisted of around 28,000 residential properties. These properties are primarily located in economically strong areas and metropolitan regions.
Aareon is an established software supplier in the real estate market and has been in business for more than 60 years. Not only does Aareon know the market inside and out, but Aareon also has an incredibly broad base and employs around 1,500 people at 37 locations in Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, Scandinavia, and Austria.
TestMonitor specializes in software testing with online software and consultancy! And in particular the "fit for business" test. We complete the circle between IT, Business and the end-users. TestMonitor is located in over 17 countries and supports customers both on-site and remotely.

Vesteda has opted for the new ERP system Tobias (Microsoft AX) from Aareon. TestMonitor is involved to help organize the complete test strategy and test management. Last year the test trajectories were “conventionally” set up with an expert of TestMonitor on location during the testing days, But because of the current need to work from home, our international concept could now also be applied in the Netherlands: Online Test Management.
Online Test management, but truly online
Now we’ve been saying for years that designing your entire test structure can easily be done remotely. With the right techniques and methods, our experts can deliver a good design in no time. These designs can be optimized and refined to meet specific customer requirements through online collaboration. Parallel to the design, adjustments to the planning takes place. In an ideal situation, you not only need testers from Vesteda, but also need a consultant from Aareon who can provide immediate support in case of pressing questions. Solving questions related to availability, sequencing, and dependence on the tests to be performed, responsibilities, etc. is no different online than it is offline.
After the designs and planning have been set up in TestMonitor, the actual test execution can begin. Depending on the complexity of the system to be tested and the number of testers, a physical presence is sometimes necessary. For our international clients, we have a contact for these special days, someone who provides guidance from within our own organization. In our own country, it is still often expected that our test coordinator will be present for all 20 of the testing days if we have 20 days scheduled. No matter what form the guidance takes, particularly analyzing the test results and converting them into issues in consultation with all stakeholders requires close communication. But being "forced" to work from home and with a project deadline in sight, even better collaboration between Vesteda, Aareon and TestMonitor is needed. Only now primarily one that takes place remotely.
There is a separate morning kick-off around 09:00 for each work group. Here the focus points and objectives for the day will be discussed. If more than one work groups are scheduled on a single test day, this requires good coordination right from the outset. Objectives are ambitious and time is of the essence.
Daily Kick-off
After the morning kick-off, everyone is all systems go and everyone does their thing. We carefully monitor progress and quality and adjust where necessary. The Aareon consultants help with questions and the testers go through the test cases step by step.
Depending on the needs of the work groups, several standups are held daily during which agenda items are discussed relating to:
• Goal
• Progress
• Quality results
• Existing issues
• New issues
• What’s next
In any case, the day is always concluded per workgroup, this also requires good planning and evaluation of the time necessary to finalize the work. Even if there are many results to be discussed and several work groups are scheduled, it is essential to remain focused on converting results. Are these new issues? Or did they already exist?
At Vesteda it looks as though we are going to achieve the test objectives together, despite the last-minute challenges.
Compliments to Vesteda and Aareon for having such an excellent team!
Start testing with TestMonitor
Not a TestMonitor user just yet? Good and easy testing is key priority to quality assurance managers, testmanagers, IT-managers, test managers and the release manager. TestMonitor makes testing easy and fun for test users as well.
So let's get you started. You might want to check out our video or download the product leaflet. But of course, with a free trial you can really experience the ease of use of TestMonitor yourself.
If you need assistance or if you have any questions regarding TestMonitor, feel free to contact us at any time. We are here to help.