Software Testing Blog

Best Practices for Test Case Prioritization in QA Testing

Written by René Ceelen | May 2, 2024

In the highly competitive software development industry, delivering high-quality and fit-for-purpose software is key to building and maintaining a strong customer reputation.

However, more often than not, quality assurance (QA) teams have limited time and resources available to allocate to their testing efforts.

This is why test case prioritization can quickly become a go-to strategy that QA managers can use to ensure that they are optimizing their limited resources, helping them to arrange test cases based on their significance, functionality, and potential impacts on the software.

Why Test Case Prioritization Is Key to Effective QA Testing

It may seem like a straightforward task, but test case prioritization can actually serve as the cornerstone of effective QA testing. By providing a structured approach for QA managers and their teams to strategically allocate limited resources, QA teams can yield the most testing bang for their buck.

Once done, QA teams can focus their attention on the most crucial aspects of the software: ensuring that essential functionalities and security elements are thoroughly tested and that potential risks are mitigated early in the development cycle. Prioritizing test cases also empowers QA teams to proactively address potential development bottlenecks, expedite release cycles, and maintain product quality standards even under stringent deadlines or resource constraints.

5 Best Practices to Prioritize Test Cases for QA Testing

QA managers have a lot of experience balancing expectations and pressures from different stakeholder groups, but putting pen to paper and aligning testing priorities can be hard to kick-start.

Here are five best practices QA managers can use to prioritize their test cases for a more effective testing process:

1. Align Priorities with Business Requirements
Begin by identifying the critical business functions and features of the software under review. Define requirements and design test cases or link test cases to these requirements. By doing so, QA teams can ensure that resources are appropriately allocated to areas that have the most significant impact on user experience, revenue, or compliance.

2. Use Coverage-Based Prioritization
Coverage-based prioritization focuses on ensuring that the most critical parts of the code are tested first by prioritizing test cases based on code coverage. Techniques such as total statement coverage and total branch coverage help in identifying and prioritizing which test cases are the most critical and organizing them efficiently:

  • Total Statement Coverage: This technique involves ensuring that every line of code in the software is executed at least once during testing, thereby providing a comprehensive assessment of code functionality and identifying any potential gaps or errors.

  • Total Branch Coverage: By aiming to execute every possible branch or decision point within the code, this approach evaluates the logical flow of the software and helps uncover any branching conditions or decision paths that may lead to unexpected behaviors or errors.

3. Assess Risk Exposure
As testing progresses, it’ll be clear that not all features and defects carry the same weight and, therefore, can be deprioritized accordingly.

One method is to assess the risk exposure associated with different test cases, prioritizing efforts based on the potential impact on the end-user experience if a failure occurs. For example, core functionalities and security vulnerabilities should merit closer scrutiny and thorough testing to mitigate potential negative impacts, while minor cosmetic or “nice to have” features receive less emphasis.

4. Identify Dependencies
Dependencies and interactions between different modules or systems can introduce downstream effects that affect workflows or other processes.

Prioritizing test cases based on their focus on system dependencies helps QA managers evaluate the performance of interconnected functions and identify critical paths or integration points that may require more attention during testing.

5. Adopt a Test Management Platform
Test management platforms offer a centralized library of often-used and proven test cases, reducing the up-front workload on writing and organizing test cases. Test management platforms like TestMonitor also facilitate collaboration between testers and QA managers and simplify prioritization, scheduling, and tracking of testing activities.

With TestMonitor, QA teams can categorize test cases into various categories based on their significance, complexity, or risk level, allowing for more informed decision-making when allocating resources. Additionally, TestMonitor provides real-time visibility into testing progress and results, enabling QA teams to identify any bottlenecks or areas requiring immediate attention.

Take Your Testing to the Next Level with TestMonitor

When it comes to software development, making sure your product is thoroughly tested is crucial to keeping your customers happy and coming back for more.

Unfortunately, QA teams don’t have unlimited time and resources to get their work done. That’s where test case prioritization becomes key, helping QA managers figure out which parts of their software need the most urgent attention.

By following these proven best practices and using an industry-leading test management platform like TestMonitor, your QA team can optimize their testing process, streamline their workflow, and ensure that they're focusing on what truly matters.

Ready to streamline your test case prioritization and take your test case management to the next level? Get your own 14-day free trial.